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Blog#3 Brian’s Motivation To Survive

There are three times when Brian has showed motivation to survive. First he made a lean-to for himself. When Brian built his lean-to he thought that he had to stay close to the lake. He didn’t want to diminish any chance of being found, Brian thought that maybe from above the rescuers could see the plane. Brian also chose for his lean-to to be under a little bit of rock.  Second Brian knew that he was starving, but he didn’t want to get lost. So he told himself as long as he kept the ”L” shape lake in sight he wouldn’t get lost. Brian went searching, then he found the gut berries! Brian collected and ate lots and lots. When he went back to his lean-to Brian started to throw-up. Brian ate too many gut berries. The next day he told himself that he couldn’t  eat anymore of the gut berries. He want to find other food. When he climbed up a hill he found…..raspberries! Brian ate lots, then when he turned around he saw a bear, Brian ran. Brian realized that he had to go back and collect more in order to survive and he did. Third when Brian saw sparks(made from his hatchet and the dark rock)he kept trying and trying. He told himself that he’s going to succeed. Brian tried many ways then….Brian saw fire! Brian is showing his motivation to survive because he wants to live his life, he doesn’t want to die in the Canadian woods.

Remembrance Day Assembly

We will be having our school Remembrance Day Assembly on Tuesday, November 10th at 11:00 am.  This is an important assembly where we recognize the importance of peace, kindness and the courage of our Veterans in preventing wars.  This is a sombre assembly and we do not have any clapping, and practice silence. Members of the community are welcome to attend our assembly. Don’t forget there is no school on Remembrance Day – Wed, Nov 11th.poppy


The teaching of Perpich blog#2

When Perpich is saying “you are the best thing you got” he is trying to say is you are the one that can change everything and that you are strong and stay positive and never give up you got to help your mom and you are the man of the house or keep calm when you are in a problem and that you can fight a fight and you are lucky to have a life and be thankful for who you are and your family

The teachings of perpich

Blog #2 repost

Mr. Perpich said “stay positive and stay on top of things.”

By this I think Mr. Perpich means that Brian needs to keep trying and not give up. Bryan needs to get motivated and be more confident so he can survive longer in the woods. Brian needs to think about how he can survive “you are the only thing you have. Perpich also said you are your best asset use what you have. Brian needs to believe in himself to have courage and bravery. Brian needs to use his own resources like his hatchet, his clothing, and he can also use his brain to get food, water, and shelter, otherwise he will die from starvation and will not survive.



What Mr. Perpich meant you are the best asset is to have good thinking not bad thinking. He needs to stay

positive because if you don’t stay positive you will be thinking bad things instead of foussing  what’s happening. Being motivated will help you be energetic and do things faster. Having

a healthy body will help you be strong. A good brain will help you know what to do. Physical abilities help you defend yourself, fighting danger. Confidence will help you be brave.   And I think this

thinking way will help Brian  so that he can survive.



Blog#2 Re-Post

I think what Mr. Perpich means is to stay positive, use the things that you have with you and use it well.

Also to stay commandant. Also the plane crash and the pilot of the plane is dead.

I think that when Brian is thinking about what Mr. Perpich said is to just survive school, but he’s in the

wild so to survive the wild. Brian has to wait until the rescuers come and save him, it

might take days, weeks or even YEARS! Also Brian has only a hatchet, shelter and raspberries to survival

But Brain can get a little negative sometimes, but not too much.

Blog#2 Re-post

What Perpich means by saying “You are the best thing you have” is that

you are the best thing. You are the only thing that’s going to help you,

your thinking is the best thing, when you think, about positive stuff,

not negative. The way I think this kind of thinking will help Brian is that

by thinking positive stuff he’ll get more motivated to do things that will

help him survive. Until his parents or the police find him. If he

thinks about negative things like he’s going to die or starve with no

food or water , that’s never going to help him. But if he thinks about

good thing and how to survive he might be able to stay alive for a couple

of weeks in the forest.

Blog2 Re-Post

When Perpich said “ you are your best asset” he meant that the first thing you need to do is keep yourself safe. Think of the consequences and use your brain to control your actions. There are lots of things in Brian’s pocket ,maybe he could use his  hatchet.

Brain is his best asset because he can think and he can control himself.

Now Brian has to find water and food until the Canadian Army comes and rescues him, but it might take the searchers a long time to find him because he was going the wrong way for more than three hours. It wasn’t according to the flight plan, but Mr. Perpich always said to be positive.



I was alone home alone my family went to the store I was sleeping so I was happy that my brother in my face so later on it was 2:00 or 3:00 I don’t know but that was gone for so long I don’t have a phone but I have a home phone and it was raging my mom said not to pick up the phone but it kept ringing so I slowly picket it up and I said “hello” I was scared but it was my mom she said she had a flat tier and she will be back in one hour I was relief so I waited and for now on I well go with them for a car ride and never stay at home.

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