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Brian’s Habitat

Brian drank water from the lake to not be thirsty. Brian ate berries from the berry bushes and the egg’s from the sea turtle to not starve. Brian use a lean-to to sleep in and to keep himself dry from rain. Brian’s space is the forest. How is Brian becoming more in-turn with nature. Doesn’t just hear sounds he knows them (twig breaking) didn’t just notice something, he saw everything about it (bird) mind and body came together. (When he heard or saw something his mind took control of his body and he knows without thinking. Brian is becoming more in turn with nature. His mind was becoming sharp. For example” he could know what the sound was before he quite realized he had heard it”.

blog#4 habitat

Since Brian’s plane crashed in the lake, he needed to survive in anew habitat. The first thing Brian needed to do was he needed to make a shelter. He decided to make the shelter close to the ridge so the mosquitos wouldn’t eat him alive and also so the animals wouldn’t harm him. The second thing Brian needed to do was to find food, what he did was he found a river where there was a whole bunch of fishes. At first he tried to catch the fishes with his own hands and it didn’t work so now he is trying to catch the fishes with a spear he made but it didn’t work so Brian made a bow and arrow to and he also found some turtle eggs hidden under the sand close to the river, he ate them raw because he remembered his uncle Carter eating his eggs raw sometimes, he saved the rest of the eggs to eat them every once a day. The third thing he needed was to make a fire, at first he tried making the fire with the twenty dollar bill he had but it didn’t work so he took some bark from the tree and tore the bark into little pieces, he was almost able to make the fire but it also didn’t work either. What he did to make the fire was he woke up on the morning and he saw a porcupine, he got scared so he tried to throw his hatchet to the porcupine but he missed and the hatchet hit a rock and it made some sparks, with the sparks he made the fire, he put the twenty dollar bill on the rock where he was going to put the sparks to make the fire then he threw the hatchet again and in made a fire just like that, but it took more than two hours to make the fire he wanted to make. Brian is getting in tuned with nature is that he is understanding the feeling of the animals that he meets in the woods, one of the animals he saw was a wolf and he met the wolf when he was looking at a mama bear and two of her cubs then when he looked around he saw the wolf on the top of the hill then he saw the wolf staring and him then he looked at the wolf and nodded, the wolf that was looking at Brian brought two more wolves and went down the hill and walked passed Brian and Brian nodded and smiled and the three wolves that have passed around him. Another way that   Brian was showing how he was being in tuned with nature was when he was getting the berries and he saw the bear and it scared him so he ran back to the shelter, stopped and realized that the bear didn’t want to harm him, the bear just wanted to eat some berries too, he was in tuned with the bear because a person that wasn’t in tuned with the bear would just run away and wouldn’t care about what the bear was feeling, but Brian was in tuned with nature so he felt what the bear was feeling.

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How is Brian fulfilling his habitat needs water, food, shelter and space?

Brian is fulfilling his habitat needs of water, food, shelter and space by working for it. He is getting his water from the lake, it is clean water that he can drink but not the cleanest. He is getting his food from raspberry bushes and raw turtle eggs. He got is shelter by working for it. He got the wood and started building his lean-to. It turned out to be one on the best things he’s built so far. And for space there is not much to say other than he had more than enough space for and of his needs.

How is Brian becoming more “in-tune” with nature?

Brian started to notice a change in him he noticed that he started looking at things more. By that I mean when he looked at the lake he didn’t just look at the lake, he looked at the ripples in the water and the way the wind was blowing to make in ripples on the water. He also noticed a change in his body, as he was sleeping in his lean-to he would always keep the fire alive and all that smoke from all those days made his face look and kind of feel like leather.

Blog#4 Habitat

Brian fulfills his habitat requirement with food, water, shelter, and space. First Brian’s food is raspberries and raw turtle eggs. Now Brian is trying to make a tool to catch the fish he found in the lake. Once again Brian is showing motivation to survive. Second Brian knows he needs drinking water to survive, so he built his shelter around the lake the plane landed in. When Brian drank the lake water he threw up. I think he drank too much. Third Brian told himself that he had to be under shelter. Brian built his lean-to under a little bit of rock. He built his lean-to door out of twigs, sticks and leaves. Fifth Brian has Brian has lots of space. Brian in is the Canadian woods and there are lots of lakes and bushes. Brian even made fire in the space. When the porcupine attacked Brian he threw his hatchet and missed. So the hatchet hit the rock and sparks flew. The next day Brian made the sparks grow and the fire started. All the thing that have happened caused Brian to be more in tune with nature. For example if he hears a chirp he knows it’s a bird, or if he hears a gust of wind he know is blowing west. Brian has grown during this adventure.


Here at williams lake is super fun i am here with tons of friends, they’re nice, helpful,kind, yeah just it is like they know about the star learner stuff, but they don’t. Isn’t that weird. It snows and snow a lot, amd so cold we fire and hunt for stuff… My dad dose not trust store bought deer. BUT DAD (and his friend) GOT TWO DEER!!!😲😃 well yeah bye✌️👋

Brian demonstrated how to get, shelter, food and fire

Brian found shelter (as in lean-to) by walking a little far away of the lake.
Brian also fixed the shelter a little bit.
Second Brian found gut berries by looking around the bushes, after a few minutes he found
When Brian was picking raspberries, Brian saw a bear, the bear was near to Brian, but Brian was
The bear was picking raspberries too.
Third Brian was sleeping with his hatchet, Brian woke up because he got poked by a thousand
nedals, so Brian threw his hatchet to the rock/stone and it made sparks.
It gave Brian an idea, the next day he made fire.
It took a while to make the fire.
This took a lot of hard work for Brian to find shelter, food and to make fire.
It took so many tries for Brian to make fire.

Brian was motivated in several ways when he remembered what Mr. Perpich saying. Blog # 3

Brian was motivated to make a lean-to as a shelter.Because he nowhere to sleep,to stay warm and to survive from mosquito. Brian build the lean-to by using pieces of wood to brace the shelter. Another thing that Brian got motivated is making fire. He tried many things. But first he tried to making sparks he used tinder and kindling but it didn’t work. After Brian found a porcupine he threw his hatchet to the porcupine but he miss and hit the rocks and make sparks. Brian saw a barks from a tree and it didn’t work. He think back to his science class and remembered that fire need oxygen and to thrive. Brian blow on it and after he adjusting the strength of his blow the sparks burst into a flame. And he also put more kindling and made fire.Brian was motivated by finding food by seeking out and compares the customary facility. Brian saw an unfamiliar red berries he taste it and taste very bitter. Brian had no choice he eat them until the pangs of hunger subside. Dose are three things that Brian got motivated by Mr. Perpich saying.

Blog #3

This is how Brian showed motivation. Brian was motivated by getting up and searching for a good place to build his lean-to. Once he found a good place to put his lean-to, he walked in the forest and got wood for his lean-to. Brian also demonstrated motivation by wondering in the forest and trying to fine food. Brian found cherries, but they were bad so he had diarrhea. He was still hungry so he went back, but didn’t pick the gut cherries and went father, and found raspberries. When brian was sleeping and was disturbed by a porcupine. He tried throwing his hatchet at the porcupine but missed and hit the stone wall. When the hatchet hit the wall it showered with sparks. Then the porcupine stabbed his leg. Once he woke up and remembered the sparks, he tried throwing the hatchet at the wall and saw sparks. So he went to the forest and got tinderly materials such as wood. Brian showed a lot of motivation since he crashed landed on the lake.

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