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Journal entry #3

My game story is a game I take from a video game and turn to real life one the name of the game is mystery murder, the team is one murder and one sheriff if have much people is goanna be more of the sheriff and murder and the rest innocent the murder weapon is a sword of kind or a fake knife and the sheriff is a Nerf gun we play inside of a house or in outside. The rule of the game is if the murder hit the sheriff he drop the Nerf gun and the innocent need to take and shot on the murder, the important rule is the murder is hit every one he win and to innocent win he sheriff need to shot on murder.

Division 3 Celebrates Family Day!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! … to the parents who came in and shared a family story with us Friday morning. They were interesting, rich, funny, and showed us how much love we have for our families!

And WELL DONE to Div. 3 for their great I AM FROM poems, which were displayed in the front foyer. Warms my heart to hear all about you and your families!

family day


Wow! January has come and gone, and Family day is upon us already! As you know, I’ve been asking parents and family of Division 3 to come and share a story with us this Friday, Feb 5th, when we will be celebrating Family Day (no school Feb 8th, so students can spend time with their families!). Be sure to come to Maywood to see our “I Am From” poems displayed throughout the school.

The week after that is Jump Rope for Heart (Friday, Feb 12).

In Science, we have begun learning about human body systems and research will begin shortly!IMG_7160

In Art, we’ve recently finished our winter scene paintings, and this week we will begin working with clay.


Tomorrow (Wed, Jan.13) we have a our snow shoeing trip at Mt. Seymour. Will will be going into winter conditions and could encounter cold snow, rain, or sleet. It could also be mild and sunny. Prepare for all of the above! Please make sure you have:

  • snow or hiking boots
  • winter coat (or outer shell with warm layers underneath)
  • snow (or rain) pants.
  • good wool socks to keep feet warm
  • mitten or gloves, toque (warm hat)
  • packed lunch and extra snacks
  • water bottle

Please review the newsletter to refresh what items your child needs. We’re all super excited about it, and I know if they can stay warm and dry that day it will be even better! Please visit this link: newsletterRaquettes à neige dans le vallon de Loriaz, au dessus de Vallorcine






  • January 18th is the Young Peoples Concert.



Letter to mom and dad

Dear mom and dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days . I feel I’m alone , I’m empty, I’m disappointed, and dead end. Because when the plane crashed I felt all of that and the plane crashed in the forest. Ifeel like done and done. I’m very suicidal I feel like I’m bad. I do not think you find me. I feel low, bad terrible, gutted, cloud down, in a deep  funk, sad upset. I’ve  survive for  47 days here i eat food that I don’t like but before I ate what ever I wanted. If you find this letter please read it. I still loved you. Please read this mom and dad  because this is an important letter.if some people find this please read it.

Love Brian

Prediction #2

I think Brian is going to get saved by a helicopter flying by because on some of the book covers there is a helicopter. Brian also might burn down a few trees to attract attention. We don’t know if the plane that passed was a actual rescue plane.

Brian shouldn’t give up hope that easily, because if he does that means he doesn’t have motivation to survive anymore. It’s already the end of summer. When the tornado hit him and almost broke him and all of his things, he didn’t give up. Brian had tough hope and he was tough in the head.

Brian is  smarter than he was. I think he is going to communicate with the wolves again because the wolf is on the cover. Brian is smarter, stronger, and more intelligent. Brian was reborn.

Prediction #2

I think Brian is going to burn a small chunk of the forest to attract attention to the plane. The plane will come and try to put out the fire and see Brian. When the tornado devastated and destroyed Brian’s habitat it also made the plane closer to the shore. I think Brian is going to go inside the plane and try to contact the police or someone to come save him. Brian is going to use the radio to contact someone. I also think when the helicopter comes they will see the plane in the empty lake to pick up Brian. If this doesn’t work he will just stay there until help comes.

Prediction #2

Do you know what is going to happen to brian I know you don’t so am going to tell you well I don’t so I’m thinking so brian got hit by a cow like 200 times so I don’t think he is going to make it so 25% he well live with minor injury and I think he’s going to die and my other production is he is going to get saved and made it and the mom and dad are back together and live as a big happy family but you want to know of how he got saved well I think he make some kind of sos and some plane is flying around the sky and maybe the dad called someone to go out there and save hem and that how the mom and dad is together or maybe more moose hits hem and kills hem because it’s like 12 moose but that’s sad

Prediction #2

I think that Brian is going to get saved by a plane that see’s the plane that Brian crashed. I think that because the pilot will probably see the damaged trees and the big branches on the ground. I also think that the pilot can see the plane under the water because if Brian could make it from the bottom of the lake to the top which means that the water is not very deep. Also now that the tornado flipped the plane to the surface it’s really noticeable.

He might also just light one tree on fire, he can make the ground around and part of the tree wet so the whole forest doesn’t burn. Or maybe he can climb a tree and hold up a burning stick. He could also put a lot of fire pits so that there’s a lot of smoke and he has a way to put it out.

Now that the plane got flipped on top of the water he might be able to use the radio. He also might be able to get a part of the plane and make a light signal. He could also find something helpful in the first aid bag like something to help with his broken ribs or some tools to help him with survival. Then he might have some better tools than what he has now.

a letter to mom and dad

Dear Mom and Dad,

It’s me Brian Robeson and it has passed forty-seven days since the plane crashed, and it has been hard for me to survive, even I’m surprised that I’ve survived this long, I’ve had to find food, shelter, and I also had to make a fire which was really hard for me to do because I had to find the right things to make the fire and it also took me about two hours to make that fire. I wish you guys would be here right now so you can help me with all the hard things that I have to do. In this moment a plane passed right over me, that plane could have sent me home so I can see you guys, but you know what, the plane didn’t turn around and right now I’m thinking that all I’ve hoped for was useless, also that I might be stuck here in this forest for the rest of my life and maybe I might not be able to see you guys for ever, I’m only thirteen and I’m not supposed to be here alone. I might even get eaten by a vicious bear or some kind of other animal that wants to harm me! It made me feel so hopeless for all I’ve done to just be able to go home. But since I have been here so long, I’m getting in-tune with nature so I don’t really have to be afraid of any kind of animals because now I can understand how they feel and they can understand me so I won’t hurt them and they won’t hurt me neither. Before, when I was still with you I wasn’t very nice to you and I wish I could just go back in time and say sorry for all the things that I have done, but now I’m stuck here in this forest alone and trying to survive. The first day that I got here I thought that I was going to die. I have learned a lot of new things in this forest, for example, I learned how to catch fish, in the beginning I tried to catch some fishes with a spear I made that had two prongs, I tried lunging it to the fishes thinking that I would be able to actually catch one, but after a long while of trying to catch some fishes, I sat down and waited for a fish to come close enough so I could catch it then suddenly when I was on the ground I saw that the spear that I put in the water had been bent and then I realized that water refracts and that’s why the spear looks like its bent, then I realized again that if the water can refract and make everything look different that meant that the fish were lower than where I was lunging the spear and that’s why I never caught any of the fishes. So I made the spear go just a bit lower than the fish so that I could catch it from under it. That is how I got my first fish. The second thing I had to make to survive was a shelter, what I did was I found this ridge and a big rock that looked like a cave, so I made my first shelter there. If you guys ever find this letter please look for me and bring me back with you, I don’t want to be in this forest alone and you might not even find me alive but please come.

– From Brian Robeson

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