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My name is Charisse (journal entry#4)


My name is Charisse

(Journal entry #4)

My name is Charisse, the people in my family are: my Dad and his name is Jose, my Mom and her name is Martha, my little sister and her name is Chantelle.

 My other brothers and sisters don’t live with us but they are: my big sister and her name is Tatiana, my big brother and his name is Javier, my other big sister and her name is Dayanna, and my other big brother and his name is Juan Carlos.

The rest of my family are in Colombia and they are: my aunt Alba, my uncle Chepe, my other aunt Patricia, and my cousins are Steven, Alejandra, Lorena, and Empera.

The part of my community is that on Sundays we go to two churches and they are: Zona Cero and Puertas Abiertas.

Another part of my community is that we like to go to Mount Seymour with my friend Kelly so we can have fun and go snow tubing. My street in in Mackay Avenue on imperial.

It’s okay for my family to have sisters, a brother, aunts, a Mom and a Dad, I feel thankful to have a family to live with.

It’s okay for my family to live in an apartment, it feels happy because my apartment is big and bright.

It’s okay for my family to like riding bikes, I feel free when I go outside to ride my bike.

It’s okay for my family to eat sweet rice, it feels nice eating something that me and my family like.

It’s okay for my family to go to Disney World, it feels good to be in a fun place with my family like Disney World.

It’s okay for my family to believe in GOD, I feel protected and happy because we have GOD.







My Name is Luiggi (journal entry#4)

My name is Luiggi I’m am from Brazil, my family is big have: me, my mother my father, my 3 uncles, 4 cousin, 1 grand grandmother, 4 grandparents and my 2 father he is from Minas Gerais Brazil the area is just farm and thing like that, after year when my father get to 17 – 18 he have to live alone because my grandfather think he father don’t like him idk,

and he won a job is tower of TV and my grandfather work if him and after years he see my mom and he start to be together and after years my married my mom, after am is born when I am 5 years one of brother of my father died, one year later I go to my first time to united states I go to Washington if my mom and my father and wen I have 8 years my mom separate of my father and when I have ten years my mom have a boyfriend but then are fight and I go the to stay if my mom for the vacation and after 2 years later I come to Canada in June and today my mom go to come in march 13 but no going to stay much but to stay to my mom is going to be good .

My Favorite Place [ Journal Entry #5]

My favorite place is on the airplanes. It’s always really cozy and nice. The flight attendances are always really nice. I like it because they serve tasty food. You always get deserts. I love the taste of their brownies and their cheesecakes. It tastes like cream and chocolate.

I like the touch of the soft seats and the touch of the iPads. It’s always really nice to play on the iPads when you’re bored but not too tired to sleep.

I like the smell of the airplane food and smell of the last air of the place you’re leaving. I don’t really like the smell of the seats. The smell makes me want to throw up.

I like the sight of the movies and the games the airplane people put on the iPads. I also like the sight outside the window when you first take off, you see the land you live in just like google earth.

I like the sound of the engine, but sometimes it’s a little annoying because when you’re trying to watch a movie you can never hear clearly. I like the sound of people talking in the background, the flight attendances asking you what you want for lunch. My favorite place is on the airplanes.

my family story

My family STRY

In my family story’s or sto-ry. This story is about when I was up-north. I was driving to my Grandpa and Granma. I don’t know why it takes 2-3 days to get up but it takes 1 day to get down. When I was up north before I was playing in the snow and when I was playing I fell in an ice Hole. I did not know how long I was in there but it felt like a long time. I was screaming for help not crying. I sat down and I felt something on my butt and it was an axe. I was using it to get out but the ice was too slippery. I heard footsteps I was scared but it was my cousin and thy went to Go and tell my dad that I was stuck and then I went to Walmart with my family my dad always Gets candy my brother always get Pokémon and I look at hockey stuff and rcs. Ones all my 37 cousin and 3 grandpa and Granma and 27 ants and 41 uncles and only 3 bed rooms and my family likes to go to up north its quit and calm birds cherping the best sun set ever the whole family making soup my grandpa shooting moose its just great and it is fun when we have charismas family playing bingo it’s so fun.

Journal Entry # 3 A game that I played

The one of the games that I and my friends usually play is Hide and Seek. But we had add some rules. We rock-paper-scissors to decide who’s ‘it’. The ‘it’ choose a spot, close her eyes (we play in girls) and start count 60 sec. During the 60 seconds, the players run around to find a place to hide (like behind the tree). After ‘it’ had count 60 seconds, she walked around the find the players, if the player (s) had been found by ‘it’, she/they join ‘it’ and help her find others. The players can’t tell ‘it’ where we all are, but she allowed to tell once or twice. After the ‘it’ had find all the players, the players starts another round of rock-paper-scissors. But this time, the ‘it’ in the first round won’t join the rock-paper-scissors. We did this as a rule is to prevent a person be it twice when some people had be ‘it’ once and others hadn’t been ‘it’ once, so on. After everyone had been ‘it’ once, we start a new turn and everyone starts rock-paper-scissors.

Journal entry #3

A game I used to play is called monkey

Rules: You would take 2-3 cards from the deck whoever got the lowest amount combined with the 2-3 cards would be called monkey for a minimum of 3 days. After the loser would be able to cheat in the next game and take the 2 best cards in the game (Ace and King). Jokers are also allowed in the game but you would have to be the monkey right away.

I played this game with my mom before it was fun.

She taught me how to play and she was taught by her dad.


February reminders…

Term 2 is quickly drawing to a close… be sure to get all your work in!

–> Please visit the Science page for detailed information about what is due and when. I’ve also included what Big Ideas and Core Competencies you will be assessed on for Term 2. Take a look!

Hey folks!

  • The homework board is up and running again (thanks Andy and Josh!).
  • I’ve updated our Language Arts page, so take a look… I’m listing all journal entries to help you stay organized and on top of things. Please take a look and make sure you have written and posted Journal Entries #1-4 by the end of this week (Feb 12).
  • LIT CIRCLES continue… please make an efffort to complete your reading and writing tasks by each Thursday so we can complete our Lit Circle meetings. It’s always a pain when we can’t meet because someone hasn’t done their homework. Remember you have all week to complete this
  • Feb 19 is a Professional Development day for teachers; no school.
  • Feb 26 is our Young People’s Concert. Don’t miss it! (or arrive late).

Journal entry #2

My family story is how my parents met. About year 1998 my parents met in a restaurant in the Philippines. My father’s job was a server in a restaurant and my mother’s job was an accounting staff in the same company as my dad. During my mom lunch break, my mom always eats at the restaurant where my dad works. My dad know what my always orders, so my dad always prepares the food what my mom always gets. It made my mom fell special and it made my dad miss her. So then my dad asked my mom if he can could court my mom, she said yes. During my mom and dad’s day off they go on dates and got to know each other. Almost every day my dad goes to my mom house just to see her. In about a year my dad proposed to my mom and got married. That is my family story.

Journal Entry #2

Once when I was six, my whole family was in my grandpa’s house and we were watching a movie about sled dogs. When I saw the person on the sled, I decided to try it, too.

I got a carpet so it would slide, then I put a chair on the carpet. I got my grandpa’s dog and the dog chain. I got onto the chair and I tried to make my grandpa’s dog move, so I put dog food about a meter away, when my grandpa’s dog saw the dog food he tried to get it. I actually moved a little. When my grandpa saw me he said ‘’that’s very creative, but I don’t think it will work.’’

It was a very fun experiment. My grandpa’s dog tried so desperately to get the dog food but he was only six month old. Of course after a while he gave up. I think it was annoying for my grandpa’s dog, but it was really fun for me.

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