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Journal entry #5

One of my favourite places is cart racing and water mania because there is a water slide, wave pool, hot tub and lots of space in water mania. The diving board is big and high and I like the deep end.

Cart racing is fun because you get to race your friends. It is one of  my favourite places. You crash your friends. After a while, cart racing gets boring. I like water mania more because in water mania you can have a water fight.


My Favourite Place (Journal Entry#5)


I like it because it’s a really big mall and the pool is a wave pool  and there is a really big waterslides and it has a big boat that goes around in this big ocean like thing that gives people rides and there is water slides and omg! It is so much fun.

My second favourite place is the beach, I like the beach because you can build sand castles, suntan, play sports and do a million different things all in one day!  In my country, we have beaches everywhere and they are all really beautiful! It is like a dream. And that is why I like these places!



Journal Entry#5 My Favourite Places

My favourite place is the water park and the beach. I like these places because they are calm and you can also go shell hunting. The water park is my first favourite place because in water parks you can go to swimming pools and slides and eat ice cream, have a picnic with your family, play games with friends. I like the beach because you can build a sand castle and also play sports like volley ball and soccer, you can go surfing, boating, jet ski, and what I like about the beach is me and my family sometimes play limbo. And that’s why I like those two places.

My Name is Andy (Journal Entry #4)

My name is Andy I was born in 2005 June 3rd. I live on Maywood Street. I have a mom, two aunts, four uncles and a lot of cousins. I am from Canada, but my entire family is from China. I usually only visit them every second year for around a month. Every time I visit my mom and I try to see everyone, usually it’s not that hard because one of my uncles run a hotel so everybody goes there when we visit. When we go to the hotel it’s always empty because of how much room my entire family needs. At the hotel every meal is like a feast, but we only get to visit once every two years so it’s like a special occasion when we visit. Also every time I visit they give me a lot of money, but sometimes it makes me feel guilty and spoiled.

I was around three when I got to Canada, at first I didn’t want to leave my family and that was only because my aunts, uncles, and cousins were all I ever knew. That’s only because my mom sent me there when I was a couple months old. Now I’m really glad that my mom sent me to China and brought me back because now I know both cultures. I like Canada now because there is nice people, but from time to time there is always someone who hates you for your culture. At the beginning of the insulting your culture it really offended me, but I’ve learned that just because someone said something it doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Now I feel like our community becoming a more dangerous and mean place. So now wherever you go they’ll be someone insulting you or someone that you know is a bad person. I think the reason for this is because too much people influencing other people to become a bad person.

Journal Entry #3

Me and my friend Isabelle used  to play ‘’throw your little brother’’. We got a blanket and we held both sides of it. We would make her little brother David go on it. Then we would swing her little brother on the was a really fun game until caught got caught by her parents. It was also really fun for David, he was laughing like crazy when we stopped the game.

We also tried to go on the couch and throw her little brother off was safe because her house had carpeting.

When we got caught by her parents we both got grounded for a month. David was also grounded for a week because he was laughing. We tried to play the game in her bedroom, we didn’t get caught this time but we decided to stop. After we just sat down on the couch and watched a little bit of TV.

Journal entry #3

When I lived in whistler my friends and I played a game in the snow. We have to build a snow fort in 30 minutes. After 30 minutes we have to destroy the other forts any way possible. The way you protect your fort is to throw snow balls at them, if they get hit 3 times they have to go back to their base and wait 1 minute, while they are in their base waiting they can throw snowballs at other players to protect their base. Your base has to be still standing to win the game.

My family story

My mom and dad said when I was your age we walked 2 hours a day just to get to school our school started at 12 to 6 pm and we had to walk back alone in the forest when it was dark out. My mom was really scared by herself because her sister used to go to school with her but she got too scared to walk with my mom alone in the forest so she quit school and this is why my mom is scared because her sister isn’t here. Then once during school my mom met my dad so they walked home together and told jokes to each other so they started to walk together my dad wanted her to feel safe. My mom became happier because of my dad so she started getting straight A’s. After a couple of years of my mom getting straight A’s she became the smartest girl in the school. But things got bad my dad moved away my mom was so sad that she would never see my dad again. But 2 years later my mom’s friend was getting married when she got to the party she saw my dad so my dad asked for her address the next day my dad’s dad went to my mom’s door and knocked the my mom’s dad said what do you need so my dad’s dad said my son wants to marry your daughter and my mom’s dad said ok so they got married!

Family Story

A story that sometimes my mom told me is when we got lost near the lake one

One time. So my mom told me that we were going out for fishing. We

Arrived to the place we were going and went down the water. So my

Dad start fishing but me my sister  and my mom was just sitting and

Watching my dad fish. After a few minutes my dad said that there were

No fish in the lake. So we took off our shoes and pulled our pants so it

Want get wet. We walked across the water. After we crossed the water

We so a path that was soaking wet. We were walking to the path up to

The lake. We got up to the lake and my Dad started fishing. Few

Minutes later it got colder we said to our dad lets go home because it

Got colder my dad said no later. Few minutes later my dad said lets go

Home now so we went to the place that we started walking. The wind

Got stronger and the grass got wavy and we got lost of our track

Because the grass stared to cover our way. It started to get dark. As we

We’re walking it got dark we saw a light and we followed it good thing

We followed it because it was near the lake and it was the exit. So we

Went up hill and found our car and went back home. That is the a

Family story how we almost got lost

Journal #2

My family story is about how my mom and dad met…

In kindergarden my mom and dad were classmates my dad was a average boy learned how to ride a bike; on the other hand my mom was a strict girl a nice but strict girl. They met by saying “hi”. In fifth grade my dad’s grade’s started going up; my mom’s grade’s were still straight A’s. After grade five my mom started selling tomatoes and my dad teased her by saying “tomato, tomato” my mom would chase him but he was on his bike so she never caught him. In grade 6 my mom stopped selling vegetables and my dad started teasing her less, my mom knew he had a crush on her but my dad didn’t have the guts to tell her. In high school my mom started studying harder because school was more challenging my dad on the other hand was getting B’s like crazy and he never studied. After high school they split up my mom went to Hongkong, and my dad stayed in the Philippines. In 2004 my mom went to Canada so she a immigrant by that year and stayed in a house in 2005 my mom gave birth and I was born I was was named Josh as you know. In 2011 me, my mom, my cousin, and two other people went to the Philippines, she met my dad again before we left and we missed him on the plane. In 2014 he passed away really sad I don’t want to talk about it. His funeral was in the Philippines I couldn’t go because we had no money so I was devastated until today I can’t see his face unless there photos still left of him in my mom’s phone or classmate photos.

My Name is Annie (Journal Entry #4)

My name is Annie, I’m 11. I live with my mom, in a apartment that’s safe and cozy on the second floor. My family likes to go skating, hiking, swimming, always fun and cheerful. My family likes to eat spaghetti, sushi , and pizza with a calm and delicious family goes to the park and the mall, where there is lots of fresh air and packs of people. It’s okay for my family to believe in be happy and to be always smiling.

I have the most caring auntie in the world, the kindest mom, and a uncle appreciating me for me. Even though me and my cousins fight a lot, I know that we are still a family. Lots of people and places are a part of my community. I play with my friends and my family. My family makes me smile, I am thankful for having them around. My family makes me fell safe.

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