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Science test questions have been posted!

Please see our Science tab for more information on how you will be assessed on your Body Systems projects. A list of questions, for each my and Mrs. Greenlay’s class, is posted (and will be updated again), so you can see all possible test questions! The BODY SYSTEMS TEST will be the next class after our last presentation.

**There will be 20 questions. They will have fill in the blank, matching, and some multiple choice.

Mrs. Greenlay’s class: Tuesday, May 24th

Ms. Lanaway’s class: Thursday, May 26th

Spring has Sprung!

Welcome back, Division 3!!

I’m happy to see all your lovely faces and I look forward to the exciting things ahead. This week we continue our COMMUNITY MAPPING project and also return our attention to our science HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS project. This week we finish our research and next week we work on our presentations. Don’t forget your individual GENIUS QUESTIONS will also be included in your presentations (Tue or Wed – April 12/15th).

This week in HACE we will be looking at HEALTH and what kind of healthy sleeping habits we can develop.

Journal Entry #6 Best thing that happened in Term 2

The best thing that happened in term 2 was I got to learn more about science like body parts, planets, space. Another thing that happened in term 2 were lit circles I really like it because we got to read books and make questions for your group. I also like PE we got to play basketball and learn how to play it. And art I like it because we did colour wheel because we got to paint and also another thing we got to do is more LA and more writing and more English. Another thing that happened in term 2 were DPA we got to play lost of games like capture the flag, baseball, cricket, octopus and cops and robbers. And those are the best things that happened in term 2.

March reminders…

clay tilesTerm 2 is now officially over! While we didn’t finish our science unit this term, and our themes of “community” continue into next term, we are saying goodbye to basketball, and hello to some new projects — community mapping, gymnastics, and clay tile making! I look forward to getting into these new activities with Division 3!!think-social-media

Today we had a special guest come in and remind us how to use the internet safely. We talked about Responsible Digital Citizenship and here are a few points I want you all to remember – please do not use your full name in any of your posts. Do not give personal information that the public could use to find or identify you. That includes pictures. We can not post pictures of ourselves or friends. Remember to THINK before you hit send!


A family story

My family story is that when I was 6 I saw a ghost! I had gone over to my aunt’s house with my mom for a visit, it was during Christmas vacation so we were decorating the tree. I was bored just watching my tablet so I decided to play with this ferris wheel with all the characters of Winnie the Pooh on it. I was just watching it go round and round, then looked at the hallway, then I saw the ghost in front of me! Creepy

journal entry #6

In winter break my friend and I  went to the Harrison hot springs. We stayed there for two days. We relaxed in the pools for hours. I was in a robe and I just sat on one of the big chairs. It was the best day of my life. We raced and jumped in the pools. One of the hot springs were burning we only stayed in that one for five minutes.  After we went to have dinner, it was really tasty. I ordered spaghetti. The put really yummy sauce in the food.  I ordered a piece of cinnamon cheesecake. There was chocolate in it. It tasted like heaven. Then when it was seven and we finished dinner, we went to the hot springs again. We stayed to ten. After we all took turns having a shower. We watched a little TV and went to bed. The next morning I had the best breakfast ever. It was kind of like a buffet. They had bacon, cereal, eggs, and lots of other treats.  My favourite were the cookies. After we just wandered around town and went home. She also came to my house to hang out for a bit. We had a really fun time.

Journal Entry #6

The best thing that happened to me during Term#2 was I got higher on my math mark! I was really excited because that

meant that I was going to get a good mark on my report card and that would make my parents super happy and they

they would get me anything I want. The reason I keep getting good marks on my homework is because I study everyday

and I put all my concentration on my work instead of procrastinating. And that is beat thing that happened to me during

Term#2. – Susana Hernandez Arauz!

My Name is Beatrice (Journal Entry #4)

My name is Beatrice Faith Divina. I was born in Manila

Philippines in November 2004, I have 2 siblings and a mom and a dad. My two names are Caitlynn Divina and Ernest Ron. My mom and dad are Sheryl Ann Divina and Roman. I live right now is in Burnaby Canada. In my family adult or older people then us we have to always bless and say Apo mean yes in Philippines and we also put our shoes in the front door other countries don’t do it. I come from a huge Family my mom has 42 nieces and my dad has 6 nieces so in total I have 48 cousin. In my country we love to eat adobo, puto in dogoan it’s made in pork blood it’s really good.

Journal entry #3

In summer I would go to Silver Park and call my friends to come to come to the park. When we have enough people we’d play Lava. To play there has to be someone it and the people that are not it try not to get tagged.  The it person has to stay on the equipment, if the it person touches the ground he has to go back to the starting area. The not it people try to stay on the equipment as much as possible because if their on the ground the it person can say lava then the person on the ground is it.

I usually play with Rodrigo, Azad and Greg because their always at the park. Everybody was usually worried when Rodrigo’s it because he’s like a monkey. That’s why we called him the monkey, but since Rodrigo’s a good sport he doesn’t brag or get mad. So everybody had fun.

journal entry#5

My favorite place that I like to go is water parks. I really like to go to water parks because there are water slides, swimming pools and also you can hang out with family. I like to go to water parks when its summer because we can eat ice cream, eat BBQ  and play with my cousin. I like water parks because it’s fun to go to and it’s fun to have picnic with your family and play games.

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