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goals for term #3

my goal for term 3 is get better on gymnastics because this is my first time doing gymnastic and I think is harder my goal is can done all of the stage of gymnastic. My goal I to learn how to roll perfect because I don t know how and learn how to do everything on gymnastic and is my goal for the term 3 and the gymnastic. Math am doing excellent I get the total on a test and for me is easy. Socials I am doing ok… I think I need someone to talk but my father is working and my mom is she came yesterday and my dog she don t know English my goal is teacher her and she goanna stay 3 mounts or more idk. Science I doing very good I need to do a project on an iPad but Samantha don t know because she was away I need to teach her too I think I need to improved my science. Art is doing good I want to do clay stuff good and that the was my goals.

journal entry #7

In term three I want to focus on my future. When I grow up I want to be a movie star. I know someone who is an extra. She told me how to get sighed by a talent agency. She said once you become an extra, you can learn about the set and the crew. The director can get you an audition if you want a line in the movie. For kids each time you shoot is four to eight hours long. If you’re an adult your work for four to twelve hours each time. You email the talent agency and you take a picture of yourself on your left, right and front. You also have to say you name, age, why you want to do the job, and who inspired you.

This term I want to choose a talent agency online and email an agent. I can only shoot on weekends and pro-d days. Geo, a leader from kids out of the rain, she was the one that told me about the extra job. She has worked as an extra for three years. She got to meet lots of famous people, her first movie she worked in was Decadents. She even made a YouTube video with someone famous.

If I can be an extra, I can take steps and become a movie star!

blog 6

Best part of term 2

This term I went to see star wars the force awakens it was so cool and that was in I had lots of fun and now going to a dance  well I am good at dancing when I was younger. So it’s only for grade 6 and 7 I well do the cha cha and I wold not ask anyone to the dance. My best friend Dylan left and will never come back until high school. And learning about the body system and mapping place

Blog #8

If a new comer came to this community and I had to show him around I would first tell him about the community like what type of things we have here such as food, nature, and places. After I would first take him to Bonsor to see what he likes, because then I can take him to places that he might want to go to. If he likes Basketball I can take him to Maywood from time to time to play basketball, I could also get him a basketball registration form for Eagles. I could take him to his practices and games. If he likes soccer I can take him to a park to play soccer. Or I could take him to Bonsor to get him in a soccer team. He can get some new friends and I can introduce him to my friends. Now he can have friends to play with he has things to do so now he’s a part of the community.

journal entry #8

Maybe we can even have If someone new came to my community I would try to make them feel welcomed first. After I would bring them to the places I think are fun like the little park I live close to or Bonsor. If they liked to go skating I would take them to Bill Complend Sports Center (where I sometimes practice my figure skating) and teach them how to skate. I have went to Bill Complend Sports Center since I was five. I started skating blades one there.

If they went to the same school I did, I would try to be their friends at school also. I might take them to play at my house.  I would take them to my house because then we can play and get to know each other better. I want other people to include the newcomer, too.

The most important part is that the newcomer can find a place to fit into the community. I might even take then around the community getting to know more people and having more fun with everybody. sleepovers. They can be every bodies friends.

Blog 8


If a newcomer were to come to this community and school

( Maywood Community School), I would tell them that the

community is very nice and clean, for the most part, and they will enjoy it very

much. If I were to take the newcomer to any-place, I think it would be to Bonser

Rec Center because there are many activities to do and you get to meet new

a bunch of brand new friendly people. Another place I would take them to

is Central Park because there is a lot of space to run freely and play around.

Another reason I would take them to Central Park is that there are many

different work-out sites which you can work on toning out your muscles

getting into shape because you need to healthy and slim to live. And the

final place I would take them to see is… Metrotown! Because there are

a lot of different places to shop from and you can go eat in the food court and

also you can play video game demos in the different game stores. And those

are the places I would take the newcomer to see.




If there were a new comer from Maywood Community School I would tell them some nice places around the community. The first place that I will show them is the central park. Central park is very beautiful and also full of nice people. There are also places you can bond with your family like the pool there, golf course and the playground. When you visit Central park you can also see ducks, squirrels, skunks, birds and more animals. The second place that I will show the new comer is Bonsor Recreation Complex. Bonsor Recreation Complex is a very nice place because in Bonsor you can go after school programs. There are also a field there if you are an athletic person and a baseball field if you want to play baseball with your familys or friends. If you go inside Bonsor you will see a cafeteria and also a swimming pool. When you go to Bonsor you can take programs that you can join in. And the last place that I will show is the Metrotown Mall. Because in Metrotown mall there are lots of nice people there and also there are lots of stores that you can visit. So when you need to buy food or other stuff you can go to the Metrotown Mall and buy all the things you need. And those are the three places that I will show the new comer from the community.


If I had 3 min to pack and evacuate the special items I would bring is extra clothes, food, and a  picture of my family. I would bring extra clothes because what happen if your clothes are all dirty or rip from the fire you have no clothes to change. The other thing I would bring when I’m packing is food I would bring food because what happen if you’re hungry and you have nothing to eat and your starving you will starve to death. And the last thing I would bring if I was evacuate is my family picture I would bring my family picture because the family picture is special to me and also if my one of my family got lost I would ask a person and show them the picture of my family. And those are some reason why I would bring those special items.

Blog #10

If I had three minutes to pack and evacuate the items I would bring are a phone (and a charger), a wallet, a passport, water, snacks, and a snow globe.

I would bring a phone (and its charger) because in an emergency you can call 911. If it is not an emergency you can go to a place with internet and call or text your family and friends. Also of you forgot to bring your wallet (money) you can sell your phone.

I would bring my wallet and my passport because you can buy stuff (or hotel money). I would bring my passport (or anything that proves I live in Canada) because if you want to go to another country you can just drive or buy a plane ticket.

I would bring water and snacks because drinking and eating are vital to living. I would bring few bottles of water and when you reach the next city you can buy more water or just refill your bottle. I would bring snacks because you are going to get hungry. I would pack some snacks but not too many.

I would bring my snow globe because it is special and cannot be replaced. The snow globe was given to me by my uncle when I was four. My cousin and I both have one. Inside the snow globe there are stars, my stars are pink and my cousins are purple. I would bring it because my uncle is super nice to me and when I was three I hanged around him a lot.

There are all sorts of things people want to grab, but most people panic during these events and grabs whatever they see and think of, but people cannot panic during a burning wildfire coming their way.




Blog 9

A new community.
Blog 9

I would like to live in Paris which is in France. Paris is a lovely place you can hear the lovely sing in the morning and that thing that makes music. When you open the window you can see the whole city and at the end of the day you can see the whole sky the big purple all over the sky. And you get to go to the tower. And when you go some wear you can find that freaky guy that does not talk. And they have the finest restraint. And it’s not too hot and not to cold it’s just prefect to sit on your balcony. And that is why I pick paris

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