Dear families,

I’ve received the following  message from Gina Niccoli-Moen, Burnaby’s Superintendent.

Due to extreme weather, all schools in the Burnaby School District will be closed for instruction for students on Monday June 28. Environment Canada is warning that record-breaking temperatures are resulting in a dangerous long-duration heat wave that will last through Monday.

The decision to close was made after careful consideration. Unfortunately, our Grades 7  leaving ceremonies will be impacted by this. When I know more I will let you know if we plan to reschedule.

Environment Canada and health authorities are warning British Columbians that this record-breaking heat event will increase the potential for heat-related illnesses. Little relief is expected at night with elevated overnight temperatures.

We will continue to monitor the situation for Tuesday and ask that you check the District’s website at

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves! And stay cool cats! 😎