Blogfolios are up and running!

Hi folks!

All Division 1 students have now been entered into our blogfolio system and have access to posting on my blog. This is password protected, so only myself, the student, and one parent (more if you wish to add) have access to the blog.

An orange notice went home last week with your USERNAME and a temporary password (parent2000). If you have a password from past years, this will (should) still work!

**The temporary password will no longer work. If you are new, you will need to reset your own pw using FORGOT PW – Don’t forget to check your spam/junk folder for this auto generated email.

What do I need from you? Two things:

  1. Please respond to me to let me know you got notification of this new blog post (notification should have arrived in your email inbox).
  2. Please sign-in to  your child’s blogfolio. Please let me know if you were able (or not) to get in!

I look forward to hearing from you!

For further information, visit the district Learning Technologies site, or specifically Communicating Student Learning via Blogfolios.


  1. Ginalyn

    Hi Teacher, i m notified alreAdy thank you

  2. Rosalie Manalo

    Hi Ms.Lanaway,yes Igot the notification! Thanks

  3. Jonalyn may Lim

    Hi Ms Lanaway i got notification already thank you

    • lanawayk


  4. Alex Velasquez

    Hello Ms. Lanaway, I got the notification thanks

    • lanawayk


  5. Smita Vadnere (Shubham)

    Hello Ms. Lanaway, I got the notification thanks. I tried to log in it’s not working.

    • lanawayk

      Ok, I was going with outdated info. My apologies. I’ve been told that parents now can sign-in using their email address and then indicate “forgot password” to proceed.

      PARENT ACCESS (subscribers only):

      · Parents use their email as login. If they are new, they need to reset their own pw using FORGOT PW – Ask them to check their spam/junk folder for this auto generated email.

      · Parent instructions are on our site under CURRICULA or WEB RESOURCES > Communicating Student Learning via ePortfolios

      I hope this helps!
      Ms. L

      • Smita Vadnere (Shubham)

        I am all set with login, Thanks

        • lanawayk


  6. lucas

    hello ms lananway i am not able to login to my account there is some problem with my password so for now i wont be able to post anything.

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