Well, Division 4, we have come to the end of this wild and wacky school year!

I must say – it is with some sadness that I bid  you adieu! For those who did not come in to class this last month (23 of you!), I regret not getting to see your lovely faces in person, giving hugs and wishing you all well, face-to-face! We did not get to do any of the fun field trips planned, Sports Day, say goodbye to our Grade 7’s, and our year-end party wasn’t attended by all. Boohoo!!

However, I am grateful that we got to read one last book together; No Fixed Address had the very satisfying ending we were hoping for! (I may have even gotten “a little misty in the eye region”!). For those who attended, we had a very fun Just Dance/Kahoots!/Pyjama Party on Tuesday! I’m also very happy to say that today’s Talent Show was great fun, a total success! Thank you to those who attended the ZOOM meeting and supported our talented crew, including our own Andrea, who sang BEAUTIFULLY!

A reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, June 25th is the day you pick up your report cards (except those who came to school this month, you’ve already received yours!). You will also pick up a bag of belongings that have been packaged by your own Div. 4 friends this week. If you have something that is not yours, or you’re missing something  (your raven or memory bag?), please let me know. I’ll see what I can do (no promises though).

Please follow the suggested times for your pick up to avoid over-crowding. Parents received a letter outlining these times, but here is the message again:

Report Card and Belonging Pick up:  Thursday, June 25th 

For the students who are not attending school in person, we ask you to pick up your report card and any books, supplies or personal belongings that the teachers have packed up for you.  We have scheduled a time for you by your child’s last name.

12:00pm    Students with last names beginning with A, B or C   

12:30pm    Students with last names beginning with D, E, F, G 

1:00pm      Students with last names beginning with H, I, J, K, L 

1:30pm     Students with last names beginning with M, N, O 

2:00pm     Students with last names beginning with P, Q, R, S 

2:30pm     Students with last names beginning with T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 

Please come to the side door of the gym.  We ask you to arrive at your designated time and to follow physical distancing signs.

Unfortunately, we are not able to mail report cards at this time.  Thank you for understanding.


Teachers will be at the school Thursday and Friday if you have any needs or wish to speak to us!

Until next fall, I bid thee farewell!

Play safe, have fun, get outside!