December News

Wow! This term has just FLOWN by! We’re already in December, and I feel it will be over before we know it! This week marks the end of Term 1.

Learning Tribes will be switched out next week to mark the beginning of a new term. Some subjects, like Math and Science are mid unit, while other units will come to an end.

For example, in Science, we have been focusing on Wolves in the Great Bear Rainforest and SYSTEMS. We continue on with the concept of “systems” but will be saying goodbye to our lovely wolves and moving into BODY SYSTEMS. We will continue on with some of our related INQUIRIES.

Next week in Socials, we will begin to look at Indigenous systems of governance, and then move into Rights and Freedoms.

Key dates:

  • Dec. 6 (afternoon) – Forest Friday
  • Dec. 9 – Final reports submitted to administration for review
  • Dec 9-13 – Winter concert rehearsals begin
  • Dec. 11 – last math class of the year
  • Mon, Dec. 16th – Report cards go home
  • Wed, Dec. 18th – Winter Concert for Division 4,  afternoon (1pm) and evening (6pm)
  • Fri, Dec. 20th – Last day of school before the holidays **PJ Day and class party**
  • January 6th, 2020 – School re-opens


  1. Bill yeung

    Thanks for all the big efforts to your group of student.
    A very very Merry Christmas to you

    • lanawayk

      A very merry christmas to you too!

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