October News

Thank you to those parents who showed up to last nights info session on “Communicating Student Learning“! We had an engaging conversation about Maywood’s shift to a proficiency scale based assessment and reporting model. If you didn’t get a chance to come, and still have questions about how your child’s report card will look in the next reporting period, please don’t hesitate to come see me.

In other news!

  • Mr. Wong (UBC teacher candidate) will be observing Division 4 on Thursdays, and will be easing into teaching some lessons and working with students the end of October/beginning of November. In the new year, we will see him increasing his teaching time with us as he completes his full teaching practicum. We wish him all the best and look forward to getting to know him better!
  • Oct 25 is the province-wide Professional Development day. There will be no-school for students as teachers across the province in engage in their professional development.
  • Oct 31 is Hallowe’en! We encourage students (and teachers!) to dress-up and enjoy the halloweeny festivities of the day, but please refrain from scary costumes (no blood, gore or masks), and avoid culture-related costumes. For more on that, visit here!

1 Comment

  1. Mary Macalanda

    Hi ! Noted !
    Thank you ❤
    Have a good weekend.

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