The time has come…

Div. 4 students from 2018-2019, we will have our last community circle this Monday, Sept. 9th in the morning – see you in “homeroom”. We will say our goodbyes and then at 9:30(ish), we will send you to your new classrooms!

I’m excited for your new year to begin, and while I’m sad to see you go (We had such a great year!), I’m excited for what’s to come for you!

Please come visit me anytime! My door is always open should you ever need an extra listening ear.


  1. Chi

    Thank you Ms. Lanaway! We really appreciate your care and support. Reiyo and we had an amazing year in great 5.

    • lanawayk

      Thank you for the kind feedback! I’m happy to hear Reiyo enjoyed his 5th school year! All the best this coming school year!

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