What we did this morning was that we were talking about strategies on how we could deal with stress and solutions on how we could stop stress, what I normally do is that I drink cold water or I go to the couch and think for a minute or two and then I go back and I take things slowly. The way I deal with homework is that I drink a cold glass of water or I go outside and cool off or I take deep breathes but just because you have stress doesn’t mean you put off your work you still do it nut cool off when your stressed. What causes me to be stressed is that my sister is always mean to me and she calls me an idiot whenever I’m trying to help her out and when she says I do it wrong and when I’m actually doing it right she gets mad and she starts calling me an idiot and all sorts of names. Even when she gets mad at me and I get mad at her than I get in trouble when she started calling me names sometimes I think they hate me but that’s not it it’s just because my sister is older than me and my mom mostly believes her than me. But whenever I’m stressed I go outside and play soccer or I just take a deep breathe or go on the couch but I really don’t do that’s because my sister is always there so I just get cold glass of water. It works for me it should work for you too