Stress is one of the things I hate most. The reason I hate stress is because it makes me angry and sometimes it makes me hungry. Whenever I am angry, hungry and grumpy because of stress it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Some ways I deal with stress are doing my homework earlier, making sure I have enough time and staying organized. The one thing I have trouble with the most is doing my homework earlier and on time. The reason I think I don’t do my homework earlier is probably because I think I have way more time but in reality I don’t. Another thing I do a lot is I procrastinate. I keep telling myself I will do my work in 5 minutes but when it reaches that 5 minutes I procrastinate and give myself another 5 minutes or so.

I will try and solve this problem I have by reminding myself over and over again that I have to do my homework. This problem can affect my learning big time. This problem is all in your head and it’s your choice whether you want to control it or not.

I feel like I dealt with stress pretty well during my life. There were sometimes where I dealt with stress through conflict I had with others. I use different strategies to try and deal with stress like walking away, talk about the problem and just apologize. I mostly use these strategies but sometimes these strategies don’t really work and the problem can get out of hand. Whenever the problem is about to go wild I usually get someone to help and resolve this conflict I have with the other person.

People get stressed just like me and this is just a few strategies that I use to calm myself down, I hope you use some of these strategies too!