The stress that you did not finish your homework reminds me of when I was in China, the teacher in China make at least 9 homework every day. We dismiss at 5:10 or even more lately, when we arrived home, it was almost dinner time. When we had our dinner, I spend many time on finding my text books, erasers, pens and my homework books, waste my time is more like it.

When I was ready to do my homework, I talk and distracted with my brother at the most of the time. Even though I waste many time, I still need to finish my homework, because in China, all the homework are due tomorrow, so if the homework are easy, I can complete it at 10:30 or earlier. But if the homework are a little hard, I can only complete it at 11 o’ clock. The next morning, I had to arrive school at 7:50, what that means I had to get up at 6:40——I didn’t get enough sleep.

I had changed that when I came to Canada. In China, my room doesn’t have enough space to have a table for me to do my homework, so I do my homework in my brother’s room, and now, my room have enough space to do my homework, so I can do my homework with no distract.

I realized that I did not give myself enough time, so I finish my homework late, and I distracted with my brother so I can’t do my homework seriously, do not put off!