– What is stress?

Stress is a combination anger and scared like if you are not done your homework and its 8:45 stress if you do your homework late in night and early morning (1am) stress all thing can stress you, but NOT all thing can stress you out.

– What causes stress? (for Example)

If you are not done your homework and its 8:45 stress, if you do your homework late in night and early morning (1am).

– What does causes you to be stress

When people pronounce my name wrong on purpose,

When people roast me so mean.

-how do you deal with stress

I can deal with stress is to make/buy a stress ball or spend time with your family whatever calms you down is your stress ball.

I can also go outside and breathe, drink water and spend time outside run around like that. This is all the thing I can say about stress and deal with stress I hope you found this article helpful