Hi, my name is Diyana and I am really really weird so I’m going to be writing an article about ‘weird things I do when I’m home alone’ and hopefully you guys get a laugh or smile.

So like, I said I’m really weird and one of the things I do is burn the house down, although, I don’t mean for it to happen but I’m literally cursed, everything I do causes problems. For example, there was a time I was hungry so I put some food *microwavable* in the microwave, and 2 seconds later it caught on a little fire! LIKE, WHO INVITED YOU AND? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Anyways, I stayed hungry and trust me I did not care after what happened.

Next thing is make sure all the windows are closed, blinds down so that no one can see, or hear you.

Why I’m saying that is because I get in my comfort zone and that is bad, like really bad and what I do when that situation happens is dance to really loud music, I even sing on the top of my lungs and I probably made all my neighbor’s deaf by that. But thank you so much for reading this article and see you guys next time BYEEEEEE.

– Diyana