I think that Auggie and Via are wiser beyond their years because Auggie has gone through a lot of stuff (like his surgeries) that most of the other kids haven’t gone through and he knows what it feels like to be bullied a lot because of your face,(though no one bullies him anymore) and to  have no friends. Since Auggie has gone through all this stuff already he knows how to deal with it, making him wiser than other kids who don’t know how to deal with this. Therefore, he has a higher emotional IQ than other kids.

Via is wiser than a lot of kids her age because she started doing everything herself at an early age. For example, Via has learned to do everything herself without her parents’ help because she knows that her parents are busy helping Auggie and she knows how hard it must be to be Auggie (always being teased because of your face) and she has sympathy for him. Also, Via never complains when she wants to spend some time with her parents or she needs her parents help but their busy helping Auggie, because she is very understanding while most other kids would just complain.

In conclusion, I think that Auggie and Via are wiser than people their age because they are more understanding than people their age.