Blog#7 How are Auggie and Via wiser beyond their years.

I think Via is a bit wiser than Auggie because she’s an independent thinker. She makes her own choices and doesn’t care what others think of her, when Miranda dyed her hair pink she didn’t care , she didn’t get jealous, she didn’t change herself to be their type of friend.

When Miranda’s mom came to pick her up she didn’t choose to go with them and she took the subway, and because of that it really showed that she makes chooses she wants for her. Because she didn’t want to be friends with people like that, she also thought it was best for her.

Auggie doesn’t give up but when his first friend in the school said mean stuff about him he didn’t want to go back to school, but via encouraged him to not care about it and go back and there is always other people that will love to be friends with you.

Why I think Jack didn’t mean it is because maybe he didn’t want Julian to think that he hangs out with Auggie and maybe Julian might’ve thought that jack had the cheese touch.

I also think why Auggie doesn’t want to go back to school is because Julian made the cheese touch about him, and if jack still didn’t say those things Auggie might’ve still been upset.