This New Year, my resolution is to improve on my math.                                                

I am planning on working on my multiplication and division. I always find myself stuck on some questions because I have forgotten a math fact, so I want a better understanding of my times table and division tables. Sometimes I need to rely on a calculator if I don’t understand the question.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I have already asked my mom to buy some flash cards or math textbooks so I can work on them and get better at multiplying and dividing questions. I will work on my flash cards with my aunt every day for 15 minutes. I will do 2 pages a day in my text book and tell my aunt to ask me random multiplication questions from 1 to 12 while I’m eating dinner.

My other resolution is that I want to improve on my piano.  I want to improve on my piano because when I get a new song to practice, I always play with one hand the next week. So I want to spend more time on playing piano. I decided after I come home, I start playing piano from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.      

I really like this Korean pop band called BTS and one of their new released songs are called “spring day” and I printed out the music sheet and I want to play it. So I also decided after I play piano from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, I will practice the song at 8:30 pm and hopefully I can finish the song.                                                                      

I hope I can get a better grade at math and finish the song.