Maybe Jack’s quote is explaining the way that he sees Auggie, that it doesn’t matter what he looks like, there’s more that meets the eye ,Henry and his friends kind of understand why Jack is Auggie’s friend.

In the beginning of Jack’s perspective he doesn’t seem very excited to meet Auggie but when he got to know Auggie he saw his personality and he started to really like Auggie that it came to a point that Jack didn’t see him as a kid that was born with a deformed face he saw him as a friend, that’s why i think the quote says “It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly.”

My classmates,and my teacher are reading about when they went to camp and they meet some  mean kids Jack really cares about Auggie i mean he stood up for him,he talked to those way older kids and tolled them to not mess with Auggie and him, when Auggie was crying he hugged him and called him “dude” like everyone else.

  In my opinion we will see a lot more kind actions from Jack ,we all know that Jack is a really kind, nice, helpful, caring friend to Auggie and others so when we continue reading the book we will see that he is a good friend he is .