“Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.’’

-Antoine de Saint Exupery


I think that the quote above has a lot to do with Jack because Jack decided to be friends with Auggie even though Jack knew that everyone else didn’t like Auggie because of his face. I think that Jack decided to be friends with Auggie rather than Julian because Jack knew that Auggie wouldn’t mind that Jack’s family wasn’t rich like Julian would because Auggie’s family wasn’t rich either.

Also, Jack was able to see through Auggie’s face to his heart and Jack was able to see that even though Auggie’s face looked different from everyone else’s, Auggie had a good heart and he is very smart, nice and funny. With his eyes closed, Jack was only able to see what everyone else saw and what Auggie looked like on the outside, (ex. his face) but when Jack used his heart he was able to see what Auggie was like in the inside which is caring, nice, friendly, and funny. That is why you shouldn’t judge people by what they look like just like you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Instead you should try to get to know them and see/respect them as who they are (you probably don’t want to get judged right?)That’s another reason why Jack probably likes Auggie more than Julian because Julian only wants to be friends with people that are popular and he isn’t able to see through to people’s hearts while Auggie has learned to see past people’s faces to their hearts because Auggie himself has been bullied because of his face he knows how it feels to be judged by your face and it feels really bad. Everyone’s face is different because everyone is different just like there are no two snowflakes that are the same there are no two people that are the same not even twins. After all, you probably wouldn’t want to live in a world where everyone is exactly the same, would you? That would just be boring and since people would be exactly the same you wouldn’t be able to learn anything. That’s where the saying “different strokes for different folks,” comes in. Different people look and learn differently but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be friends. Take Auggie and Jack for example, they are very different but they are still friends. Diversity is something that we all have in common and we should celebrate it.

At the beginning of the story, Jack was like everyone else and he didn’t like Auggie. But then he gets to know Auggie a bit more and then he becomes Auggie’s friend after looking at Auggie’s heart. Then he and Auggie get to know each other a bit more until Halloween. On Halloween, Jack says some mean things that he doesn’t mean to say that he later regrets. So Jack goes to apologize to Auggie and they make up. After that, Julian starts bad mouthing Auggie and Jack doesn’t like it so he punches Julian in the mouth. Then, Jack goes home and starts sending texts to Julian, and Mr. Tushman about how sorry he is for punching Julian but he gives a little hint about what Julian said. Go a bit farther into the story and the whole school goes on a trip to the nature reserve where Jack and Auggie get lost in a forest where they meet Eddie and a gang of grade sevens. The grade sevens make fun of them and then they get into a fight only to be rescued by Amos, Henry, and Miles. Unfortunately, Auggie loses his hearing aids in the process but Jack and his friends comfort him and Jack could not have done that if he wasn’t able to see Auggie with an open heart.

In a video I once watched when I was young, there was a bear who went to the supermarket to buy apples. Once he got to the supermarket he bought two apples. When he got home he decided to peel the apples but he took a good look at them. One of them looked good on the outside and the other looked rotten on the outside. The bear was just about to throw the rotten apple away but then he decides to peel them and see what they are like in the inside.Much to his surprise after he peels them he sees that the apple that looked good on the outside is actually rotten on the inside and the apple that looked rotten on the outside was actually good in the inside so the bear throws away the rotten on the inside apple and keeps the good in the inside apple. Now let’s compare Jack’s relationship with Auggie and Julian to the story I told you about the bear and the two apples. The bear (Jack) goes to the supermarket and buys two apples (Auggie and Julian).Then, Jack goes home and decides to take a good look at the apples. One of them looks rotten on the outside (Auggie) and the other one looks fine on the outside (Julian).Jack was about to throw the apple that looked rotten, (Auggie) away but then he decides to peel them (look at their insides).When he peels them, he is surprised to see that the apple that he assumed to be rotten (Auggie) is perfectly fine and the apple that he thought was fine (Julian) turned out to be rotten in the inside. So, Jack throws away the rotten in the inside apple (Julian) and keeps the apple that is fine in the inside (Auggie).


In conclusion, I think that the quote by Antoine Exupery relates to Jack because he is able to use his heart rather than his eyes to make friends.