Auggie became wise through the years because of the decisions he made himself. I think that a part of Auggie knew that the world spinned too fast and the stars shined too bright, and that his face will never change but anyone else’s attitude or personality can change in an instant when with the wrong person. Auggie faced some of his fears already which is kind of fierce for a boy like him at such a young age. Auggie was enrolled in Beecher Prep for the first time, talked to friends his age, and was demeaned by new friends. Through all of that Auggie kept being himself and not changing, which was a good thing.
There were a lot of misunderstandings with Auggie and his friends. Like the problem with Jack, when Auggie overheard Jack and Julian talking about Auggie in the worst way someone can possibly talk about you: Behind your back when they think you‘re not listening, but you actually hear what they have said. I think that Auggie was never mad at Jack or Julian but was just hurt by them and what they did. Even if not many people realize that Auggie is really nice and caring and has a great humour, it‘s nice that his friends now still care about him.
Although, sometimes some things you do in life aren’t a living, but it sure isn’t dying. Auggie has been in a position where nobody would want to be in, he faced fears and gone through some difficult times in his life and with his friends and family. Auggie is wise beyond the years that he has lived because he lived his life as an outsider, not as someone who doesn’t fit in but someone who cannot fit in with a lot groups because of his diversity around other people.
Via, on the other hand puts her loved ones above herself. She learns even from the littlest mistakes she makes. Via is one of the only people in Auggie’s life that actually care about him and doesn’t care about whether he is with her or not. Wisdom means having the quality of experience, knowledge, and good judgement towards others. Via demonstrates her wisdom with Miranda and Ella. Miranda and Ella were Via‘s best friends in grade school, but they’ve changed and started to hang out with the popular kids, which is exactly what they are not. When Via‘s friends did hang out with the popular group Via did not follow, I think it‘s because Via isn’t those kinds of people who change their selves just to be recognized by people from a higher rank of popularity. Via is the kind of person like Auggie who doesn’t judge others by their skin colour, intellect, age, or wealth, but judge others by their deeds too.