I always enjoy a new year. Last year I always played video games, this year I want to spend more time on learning math and science. I want to make my report card grades better in this subjects.

Last year, my math and my science work was very bad, when my parent saw my report card, they said I needed to get A or B, but I got C+. I will study more, in math, I will learn about Canadian money. My plan is that next time my parent go out to do shopping, I need to go with them, not stay home and play video games. When my parent buy something, I need to count how much it cost I want to figure out how to make change. I need to practice using Canadian money, this will help my math. For science I want to read more books about space. I plan every times, when I go to library I need to get least one books about Science

I hope get a better grade on my next report card.