New Years, a  time when we make resoIutions and try to complete them. I really like to write, so this year, I pledge to improve my writing.

I’d like to try and add more detail to my writing and become better at planning what I am going to write.

When my writing lacks detail, it makes me confused and when I’m confused, I rewrite my writing and then the same cycle can go on and on. I guess I should try to be more specific when I am describing something and I should use more descriptive words.

Since I like to read, I can try and find words in books or dictionaries.

Sometimes I don’t know what to write because I am unprepared. This makes it difficult to write. Especially since I can sometimes be a procrastinator. This also causes writer’s block.  

I also get ideas from reading books.

I hope to become a better writer by 2018, at least.