I always enjoy drawing, whether it’s just a sketch or a doodle. This year, I want to work on drawing anatomy. Of course, human anatomy is hard to draw, but it would be a good start practicing so I can turn it into a habit.

I have never done a proper drawing for anatomy. I always draw big sweaters for humans so it would hide the hands; I’m guessing that’s a bad thing. I want to improve, if I want to get more into drawing.

I’m already looking at drawing references online, to fix bends and positions. I don’t look at references often, but I can search up more references, or make my own. I should start practicing drawing hands more often too. During Winter break, I barely drew anything. I should be drawing more often.

Another strategy that I use is paying attention to real life. Paying attention to things around you, such as patterns, details and other people can help you. By being more aware and observant of how the world looks and works, one can really improve their drawing skill.

The New Year is a great time to work on something new, or improve something you are already working on. I will try my best this year to improve my drawings.