I think that Mr. Brown’s October precept means a lot to Auggie because his face had to go through a lot of surgeries when he was younger so now his cheeks always droop down and he has this hole on the top of the inside of his mouth that makes it look like he eats like a turtle. Also lots of kids tease him,(i.e. Julian saying that Auggie’s face looks like Darth Sidious) but in his heart he knows that he is an ordinary boy who likes to play video games, eat pizza, and eat ice cream just like any other kid. That’s why this particular precept is really close to Auggie’s heart, he knows that what you do(ex. Your deeds) are way,way,way more important than what you look like, after all, everyone looks different and everyone is different .That’s what makes us all unique and who would want a world where everyone is the same? Don’t forget that just because someone is disabled, has gone through surgeries, or looks different from other kids doesn’t mean that they are any less capable or determined than others are. Remember Terry Fox who had both cancer and a prosthetic leg? That didn’t stop him from running the Marathon of Hope did it? So your deeds are like monuments, small stones if they were small deeds and humongous statues set up to remember heroes who did a lot of good deeds for others. Doing good deeds are really important because just a little deed like holding a door for an elder can make their day just a bit better and if everyone does good deeds for others than the world be a better place for everyone and eventually that kindness will return to you. Monuments are set up to preserve the memories of people and the good deeds you do will be remembered in someone’s mind too.

It contributes to one of the themes of Wonder because Auggie knows that doing good deeds for others is really important and so far in this book lots of people have been doing good deeds for Auggie. For example, even though Summer knows her friends won’t approve he still went to sit with him. That’s partly because she felt sorry for him but also because she wanted to be kind to him. Also, up to now Jack has always been nice to Auggie and played with him even though Jack already has a lot of friends. Last but not least Via has always been really nice to Auggie. So that’s why I THINK DOING GOOD THINGS FOR OTHERS and being kind for others is one of the themes of Wonder.