Auggie and via are very clever for their age. They’ve gone through so many bad things such as funerals and Auggie’s surgeries. Auggie and Via know how to deal with sad or hurtful things like teasing and name calling. They know how to deal with it and be responsible about it and not cry when it happens.

Auggie is different from everyone else in his class because he is a nice caring person in the class. I’m not saying that no one else is nice in the class not that at all. It’s just that Auggie is different from everyone else he is nice but no one notices it. Auggie would never change to be like Julian he would not” go with the flow” he would always be same old lovable Auggie.

Via is kind of the same she would not” go with the flow” she is her own person and trying to be someone she isn’t. She will not take anything to seriously and at least try to semi-funny. She is clever for knowing how to deal with problems in a grown up manor and some silly kid goofing off. If Miranda jumped off a bridge via definitely would not follow her.

This will conclude my blog with a smiley face 🙂