I think August wrote the October precept because what he does is more important than what he looks like. August was born differently than the other kids but he still acts the same as them. Other people don’t like to look at him because of what he looks like but he is still a very nice person. He does not care what other people think about him. They also don’t want to touch him because of how he looks like. But for him he just ignores what they say. He just does what he likes to do not what the other kids say to him.


I think the October precept connects with the story because the other kids that says bad things about August are there deeds that stays forever in Auggie’s head. Just like when Julian keeps on asking him what happened to his face. He ask if he got in a fire or something. He also ask on Halloween if he is going to be Darth Sidious, and his friend that was with him from the start of his school year said that he could not believe that he hang out with August. August heart was broken but he still has a friend her name is Summer. For me I think that is how the October precept connects with the story.