I think October precept from Mr. Brown “your deeds are your monument” means to August is if you do good deeds people will remember you and the most important thing that the people will remember is your action because people doesn’t care what you look like. People died like Terry Fox people was judging him by how he look , how he can run by one leg the other one iron made. He was running for cancer and he want to achieve his goal (his goal was, he wants to run one place to another and help from the cancer I think?)That’s what people do.

the book wonder August was treated badly at school people doesn’t want to talk to him because how he look people thought his weird, August thought jack Will was his friend but he was just force to hang out him but jack will doesn’t even like him he was just acting to like him. August only have a very little friends but little did they know August was very nice. Jack will wasn’t doing the October precept the only nice person is Summer, Charlotte, and other people. Probably in the next story he might do the October precept to Jack Will so he can like him and be friends him again.