Last Halloween I went trick or treating in Armstrong St. with my cousins and step cousins. John (my cousin) was wearing a vintage Batman costume, every Halloween he wears Batman; I don’t really know why because his favourite superhero is “The Flash.” He had a belt that had Batarangs, fake flashbang grenades, and pockets; every time I was near him I would sneeze, it could be an old costume. On the other hand my other cousin, Justin he wore a Spider-man suit my personal favourite superhero, it had those cushioning that makes it look like he has abs and biceps. One of the step cousins (forgot her name) was wearing a minion costume, the little yellow aliens from “Despicable me”; it had little hairs at the top of it, she had a belt that had the letter “M” on it I’m pretty sure it meant minion. I’m only going to be telling one more costume, because there are so much of them that came over, my other cousin Rahnier he was wearing a vampire costume, it was a very cool costume because it had a suit that had a tuxedo his makeup looked like he was Dracula and the fake teeth would “glow in the dark” that’s what the package said and they did.

When we were going out to trick or treating my cousins mom had to say “goodbye and stay safe” then she kissed them goodbye; while we were walking to the first house the step-cousins were talking about “who is he?” they didn’t know because I was wearing a mask while they were talking I was giggling and had a smirk on my face because they were still wondering about who I was, when we were walking to the other neighbourhood to get more candy we saw two teenagers trick or treating too, one of them dressed as a Jester and the other was Wolverine. The Wolverine costume looked like it was from the old X-men movies, or comics, it had the vintage yellow, blue, and black colours and the belt that had an X on it. There is not really a sophisticated idea about the Jester.

When we were going back home I had to take off my mask because I was sweating the mask smelled like drool because every time I would speak it would spit out my spit it was a little disgusting but it was fine.

At home our bedroom was trashed because our step cousin was snooping around, John was so mad he trashed the room more and we could not go in because he would have killed anyone who would step in there so we waited in the staircases for 1 hour, after he cooled off we played on tablets and that is my Halloween story.