It was night, not knowing what time it was, probably around 7:00. I glared out the car window, seeing the dark eerie night. Only the lampposts and car nights as our source for light. We got out of the car, approaching a neighbourhood that I’m not familiar with. I was very tired, so I wasn’t very optimistic about trick-or-treating. The scent of sugary sweets filled the air, excited screams of children filled up the area, waiting impatiently to get their mouth stuffed with candy. I didn’t care that much about the loud screams. I began to walk down the path with my group of friends and families, in my costume. I guess I was wearing some sort of raccoon costume. A dark black dress with grey fur at the hem, with a matching tail, fluffy like a sheep’s wool. On the top of that, I got a raccoon hat with little ears.

We walked down the side-walks of the neighbourhood as a group. Each house is decorated with varieties of spooky glowing pumpkin, sparkling lights and hanging pictures of skeletons, ghosts and zombies. Most of the houses contains a sweet treat for the excited children, the other houses were closed and the people living inside it just went to bed. We arrived at the first house to go trick-or-treat.

The first house was decorated in an array of orange and black lights as if the house was a Christmas tree. It looked kind of odd with the bright white house paint. I assume it has a second floor, it was quite tall for a one floor. I don’t know why, coldness just swept over me. Maybe it’s the wind, after all it’s night. I pressed the doorbell. It was a cold, flat silver surface. A man with a skeleton mask opened the door. He took of the mask and grinned. He took out a bright orange pumpkin bucket, which contains an array of snickers, smarties, m&ms and other things. He told us to grab 2 types on candy. I chose the smarties and lollipop. He closed the door and we just continued walking to the next house.

In the end, back at our house, we ended up getting around 100 candy. A sweet aroma filled the room, chocolate, caramel  and other assortment of scents of sugary treats. My bag look like a pot of rainbow soup, ready to be eaten. I put my hand inside, all I felt is wrappers.