I think that Auggie must be feeling kind of nervous and hesitant about going to his new school because he has been home schooled his entire life. Regardless, if Auggie had entered a public or private school, there would be a lot of mishaps and delays because of all of his surgeries. Based on what we read so far, I think that Auggie has some mixed feelings about going to Beecher Prep because I don’t think that Auggie really cares if people would make fun of him by how he looks that much, also because I think that Auggie cares more about how he does in school and his pursuits rather that the opinions of others towards him.

I think that Auggie’s laugh and cry feeling was because of what someone had said, which made him a little sad because from what we’ve read so far, Auggie seems a bit sensitive when it comes to people disrespecting him. Then when Auggie heard what another boy had said , I think that he sort of laughed because what he said was peculiarly funny compared to what they boy that made Auggie cry said.