What am I most proud of in this term was my community map, my science project and the paragraph wheel. I am proud of my community map because it is very detailed and very colorful. And I really liked how it turned out. I really worked hard on my community map and I use my time to work on it. The second thing that I am most proud of is my science project. In the science project my group and I choose to create a poster for the project. And I am really proud of the poster that we created. I am proud of it because it looks very nice and very interesting to look at. My group and I spent a lot of time on it and worked really hard. The third thing I am most proud is the paragraph wheel. I am proud of my paragraph wheel because it looks very detailed and also very interesting to look at. My group and I tried our best to create the paragraphs and the title for the wheel. These are theĀ things that I am most proud of this term.