If I have three minutes to pack and evacuate, the special items I would bring are…

I would bring a my little pink bunny wallet, in it there are not that much money in there, but it is very important to me, I had when I was young, my grandpa bought it for me when I was 5 years old, it was my very first wallet. Every time I look at it, it feels like the first I was looking at it, I can feel the joy and the happiness.

I would also bring my two stuffed animal, one is a bunny, one is a dolphin, my mom bought the dolphin for me and my dad bought the bunny for me, they are both really cute. My dad bought the bunny for me in china last summer, and my mom bought the dolphin for me when I first came here. I can still remember when I first got those stuffed animal.

The last thing I would bring is my little lock box and the two keys, it is just a normal box that could be locked but in it, there is all my favorite things like my beautiful stickers, and my little jewelry.

They are so special to me that I would never forget, and I would never leave them or through them away.