If I had 3 minutes to pack and evacuate, the special items I would bring are my favourite pair of sandals, my water bottle, some snacks, my passport, and my cell phone/charger.

You can buy sandals almost anywhere, so not a lot of people would bring it. But my sandals are from my grandma from my dad’s side. She made them in china by herself when I was 9. They were too big for me but now they fit me. She is in china now, so I keep these sandals to remind me of her.

My water bottle and some snacks are obviously necessary because you would need them to survive. When you get to the shelter area, there would be food and water. But if it takes a long time to drive there maybe you’ll get hungry or thirsty. Even if there is food and water there, I think it would be smart to still bring food and water.

Your passport is one of the most important things that everyone should bring. Without your passport you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. If your passport burned, then you would have to go through a lot of stuff again to get another one. So I think that bringing your passport is a very smart idea!

My cell phone has a lot of information on it that I would need. You obviously need to charge your phone so you can still use it. Buying a new cell phone/charger would be easy, but if you bought a new phone, you would lose all of the information in your old one. I would bring this item because that ways I can call for help if we get stuck somewhere. I can also use my cell phone as a flashlight if I forget to bring one. It isn’t hard to forget to bring your cell phone because many people are attached to it and don’t go anywhere without it.

These are the 5 things that I would bring if I had to pack and evacuate.