I have 3 favorite places- hospitals, airports and airplanes. I’m going to write about airports and airplanes because I like them better. At airports I feel very excited, because it feels like I’m trying to rush to catch my plane. I usually only feel this way if I’m going to be on the plane. If it’s somebody else that’s going on the plane, I don’t really care. I mean if it’s not me on the plane, I’m not going to get excited for someone else. That’s one reason why I like airports, I like being rushed. When I’m rushed I get annoyed, and then I get negative. Basically, I have a excuse for being negative.

When I’m on planes, I don’t get any work to do, I can just play and watch TV. Most people hate airplane food, I don’t, my friends think that I’m weird because I like it. Another reason I like airplanes is because they have these iPad thingies where you can watch TV. On air planes they have flight attendants. I like to tell them to go here and there to boss them around. When I do that, they get annoyed but they can’t show it, they still have to smile! Now you know that I only like these 2 places because I get to be negative, and not get yelled at!