one of the places i would like to to live in is Dubai because there are lots of super cars everywhere its just really rare to see in Vancouver but in Dubai its common to see super cars that is one the reason why i like Dubai!

What i also like about Dubai is when your on vacation there the hotel rooms such as the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah and the Star Metro Deira Hotel is that they have like the best service ever thats why there both rated 4 to 5 stars what is also good about the hotels is they have pools and beaches next to the hotel. why i really like about Dubai it always warm and sunny unlike Vancouver the weather changes commonly a lot. what nice about Dubai is every new years there is fireworks that go in different cool patterns and they usually last like 5 to 10 minutes .

The best thing that i like in Dubai is that i dont have to worry about dying because there ambulances are super cars.

And that is why i would like to live in Dubai