my goal for term 3 is get better on gymnastics because this is my first time doing gymnastic and I think is harder my goal is can done all of the stage of gymnastic. My goal I to learn how to roll perfect because I don t know how and learn how to do everything on gymnastic and is my goal for the term 3 and the gymnastic. Math am doing excellent I get the total on a test and for me is easy. Socials I am doing ok… I think I need someone to talk but my father is working and my mom is she came yesterday and my dog she don t know English my goal is teacher her and she goanna stay 3 mounts or more idk. Science I doing very good I need to do a project on an iPad but Samantha don t know because she was away I need to teach her too I think I need to improved my science. Art is doing good I want to do clay stuff good and that the was my goals.