Hi my name is Milan and these are the goals I already set for Term 3.

My biggest one is to get better grades, I really don’t want to have C’s and I will try to turn all C’s to A’s and B’s. Also I want to turn some B’s into A’s, I want to have more A’s then I ever got in Term 3. I will study more and do homework on time, I will try writing neater and with more details. I will try pretty hard for more A’s for term 3.

Next one I want is to do more physical activities outside, I couldn’t go outside much in Term 2 because it was really rainy, I got into a lot better shape in Term 2 then I was in Term 1, I still want to do better in both of those. I joined a soccer club so I will have trainings and get closer to my goal for shape. I will work really hard on my soccer skills so I can be in a better team.

And the last one I want is to get my sleeping schedule better. I go to sleep at 11:30pm or sometimes 12:00am, then I wake up in about 9:20 and have to hurry eating my breakfast and be in a hurry to dress myself as fast as I can. My mom often yells at me because I’m so sleepy that I can’t get out of my bed. So I will work on to finish my homework early and go to sleep at 10:30pm or 11:00pm., so that I will wake up early and not have to be in a hurry to do things I need to.

These were my goals I want to improve in Term 3 than I was in Term 2.