Hello! My name is Russell. I live in Burnaby, B.C, and Canada. I am 11 years old. I was born here in Canada and my parents are from the Philippines. My parents immigrated here in Canada to have a better life. At home, I live with my mom and dad and, my little brother called Harold. We live in an old apartment and we have been in this apartment for eight years now. I am happy to live with my family because they are loving and caring. We also like spending so much time together and we treat each other with respect. My family and I loves adventures like going to mountains, lakes, parks, and other places with great scenery. My family and I likes eating roasted pig and roasted chicken because it is very crunchy and delicious. On weekdays we really don’t spend that much time together because I have school and my parents have work. But we feel free to spend more time together on weekends.