Hi, my name is Rainbow and my favorite place is my home. My home is very close to central park and there are around 4 other buildings around my apartment. I live on the 10th floor of my apartment. I have a balcony to look at the east side of building. I have 2 guinea pigs near the balcony but inside. I also have a 8 gallon fish tank with 5 neon tetras, 5 glowlight tetras, 2 Amano shrimps, 1 kissing fish and 2 some kind of catfish, the whole tank is near the kitchen. My mom and sister share a room, but my dad has his own room. The reason I like my home so much and it is my favorite place is because I can do almost everything I want to do at home. Sometimes when I’m bored all I just need to do is find my sister and say “what do you want to play”. Then my sister will say something, even if I don’t agree I just say to myself “ playing with my sister even the game I hate the most is at least better than not playing with her or just playing with myself!