It’s okay for my family to have mom, dad, sister, cousins, aunts , and uncles,

When we are together we feel joy, warmth and happiness all around.

It’s okay for my family to live in a apartment,

That is quiet, warm and cozy.

It’s okay for my family to like playing monopoly,

Which makes us feel competitive but in a nice way.

It’s okay for my family to eat together Chinese food, like dumplings, Chinese buns and Chinese curry,

When we eat together we feel very hungry but we also feel thankful and very happy to be able to eat this delicious food,

It’s okay for my family to go to Central Park in the summer but skating in the winter,

My family feels very relaxed walking in Central park and if it was skating than racing is number one,

It’s okay for my family believe that everything has another way,

When I think about this saying it makes me think motivated when I’m usually stuck that actually has another way,

It’s okay for my family to do sports like badminton or skating,

When we do sports we feel there is at least a small feeling of completion but we don’t express it or say it out loud, we just feel a bit in our hearts.