My name is Josh, I am from Canada my family is in the Philippines and my great grandmother is Chinese, that’s why my eyes are weird. I was born in December 12, 2005, my mom was happy when she had me. Are favourite piece of food is fish that’s why I always talk about it. We don’t eat fish that often anymore except in the Philippines and special occasions. I feel sorry for my mom and grandpa because the love of their lives left them witch makes me do things I don’t want to do, which are rebellious things last year I bought a slurpee for my friends and got in trouble even though I was not SOPPUSED to. In grade 4 I took advantage of being an intermediate I was really mean before but this year I want to change I’m trying to kill my old self, but it’s still in me. I don’t need help because help will change me to someone else I can’t change the past but I can choose my path’s in the future every consequence has a good side I’m happy every way. I see my friends get hurt and I’ll help them I will change and I can change.