My favourite place is my bedroom. Through my window, I can see the big ever green, if it’s sunny, the birds will travel through the branches. Sometimes the birds, squirrels or raccoons will even come visit our balcony. Beside my bed, I have my closet. We hang our jackets on the pole. Under our jackets, we store our pillows and brackets for the cold winter. Beside the window, we put our staff there. Things like balloons, pictures, duo-tangs, cards, school supplies and some toys. I have lots of teddy bears that my family had given to me when I was little. We have a table lamp so if we really can’t sleep, we’ll use the table lamp to read books. We can put 2 or 3 books beside our bed so we can read if need.

My favourite place is the playground in front my apartment. It’s so close that I can see there well through my balcony window. In past two summer breaks, I basically spend all of my time in there with my friend Hope. There are lots of trees so we pretend it as a tiny forest, it also let me felt natural. The trees helped us to play Hide and Seek. Beside the trees is the playground. The things in the playground are 2 baby swings, 2 child swings, 3 slides, monkey bars, a straight pole and a bridge. There are also small things like a 5 stepped stairs, 2 fake control wheels, a holed board which helps to climb and 2 red chairs. There is also a pole between two poles and a waved-shaped pole under the pole. The babies usually come to the playground and we met a cute 2-years-old boy. We used to play with him and his parents are very nice and friendly. I often chat with his father. Once I found a honey bees’ home and it’s really scary. After about 2 weeks later, it disappeared. We’ve also found 2 dead skunks and their furs. It proved me lots of happiness so I hoped that I will still go there this summer.