The game that my friends and I we used to play all the time is called Hide and Go Seek. It’s basically like Hide and Seek but with tag. And the seeker has to tag the hiders to win In Hide and Go Seek. What makes this game more complicated is that we can anywhere around the school. Especially you can go to the tennis court, field, and playground anywhere. The seeker will have a hard time looking for the hiders. But were are not allowed to go to the places were not allowed to go in the school. You don’t want to be a seeker in Hide and Go Seek, because it is very complex looking for hiders all over place. And me and my friends are really good at hiding from the seekers. Sometimes we have two seekers because it could be really hard doing all the work be yourself. Me and my friends like to play this game because it is fun and it makes us very energetic.