My name is Andy I was born in 2005 June 3rd. I live on Maywood Street. I have a mom, two aunts, four uncles and a lot of cousins. I am from Canada, but my entire family is from China. I usually only visit them every second year for around a month. Every time I visit my mom and I try to see everyone, usually it’s not that hard because one of my uncles run a hotel so everybody goes there when we visit. When we go to the hotel it’s always empty because of how much room my entire family needs. At the hotel every meal is like a feast, but we only get to visit once every two years so it’s like a special occasion when we visit. Also every time I visit they give me a lot of money, but sometimes it makes me feel guilty and spoiled.

I was around three when I got to Canada, at first I didn’t want to leave my family and that was only because my aunts, uncles, and cousins were all I ever knew. That’s only because my mom sent me there when I was a couple months old. Now I’m really glad that my mom sent me to China and brought me back because now I know both cultures. I like Canada now because there is nice people, but from time to time there is always someone who hates you for your culture. At the beginning of the insulting your culture it really offended me, but I’ve learned that just because someone said something it doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Now I feel like our community becoming a more dangerous and mean place. So now wherever you go they’ll be someone insulting you or someone that you know is a bad person. I think the reason for this is because too much people influencing other people to become a bad person.