Journal entry #4

My name is Samantha I came here in Canada three months ago

I live in manila city Philippines my mom I call her mama and her

My mom’s name is Sally and my dad I call him papa and his name is Deomer

And my Grandfather I call her lolo and his name is Bonifacio.

My Grandmother I call her lola and her name is Corazon

And I have three uncle and four auntie I have four cousin and every Sunday

We go to church.

It’s okay for my family to have Grandparent, parents, aunties, uncles, and cousins.

It feel thankful to have a family to live with.

It’s okay for my family to live in an apartment.

It feel happy because our apartment is big enough for us.

It’s okay for my family to riding bikes.

I feel free when we go out and riding our bikes.

It’s okay for my family to eat adobo.

It feels nice eating together something that my family and I like.

It’s okay to my family to go to Baguio,

It feels happy to be in a fun place like Baguio.

It’s okay for my family to believe in GOD,

I feel protected and thankful because we have GOD.