My name is Rodrigo. I live in Burnaby, McKay Ave, I like to play video games and go outside to hang out with my friends. I have a 6 year old brother that’s very very annoying, he never cleans up his room. But he is still my brother, like my dad says “family we bear, friends we pick.” I have a dad, he is 38 years old, and he likes to talk with me. I also have a mom that likes to show me funny videos of cats and dogs and that likes to show me cool facts every day.

I used to live in Brazil, Belo Horizonte with my grandfather’s aunt, she is called Olivia and she likes to watch Merlin with us every Saturday and Sunday.

I used to go to my grandfather’s place in the summer, his name is Sergio, He likes to tell jokes and eat sausages, and my grandmother likes to tell jokes and too but she also likes to read novels. I like to talk and sing with his parrot and play with his (my grandfather’s) dog.

I love to go to my other grandfather’s farm because he has horses, 4 dogs, chickens and everything that you can imagine inside a farm, his name is Fabio. Sometimes he acts a little crazy (like killing a snake crazy) and sometimes he acts a little bit too serious. He likes to tell me stories about what he did when he was a kid (and trust me, you don’t want to listen to his stories).

Its okay for me that my family is different.